Monday, November 30, 2009

Decorating... and Napping... for the Holidays (by: Carlo)

This weekend all the humans in the house decided to decorate the house for the holidays. They went to a Christmas tree farm up in the mountains, found "the perfect" tree, lugged it home, and proudly displayed it in the front window. Then, in anticipation of decorating the tree, my pal showed Lucky and me this video. She said that it would get us in the holiday spirit and show us how helpful we could be...

But, to be honest, the video didn't do all that much to motivate us. Lucky and I got tired just watching these dogs do all of that work! So, we decided that our time would best be spent supervising the humans as they decorated! Of course, supervising made us sort of sleepy... and then we remembered how all of the dogs in the video fell sound asleep at the end of the video. Hmmmm... that looked like fun! So we only supervised for a little bit... and then settled in early for a long winter's nap. We LOVE napping... errr, I mean decorating... for the holidays!

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