Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Open That Bottle Night - Uncork Some Memories!

My puppy raiser and her special guy friend told me about something called "Open That Bottle Night (OTBN)". OTBN started about 9 years ago and was the idea of Wall Street Journal winos, John Brecher and Dorothy Gaiter [side note by puppy raiser: Carlo, they are not winos... they are wine columnists!]. Uh, Oh yeah! According to these wine COLUMNISTS (whatever the heck that is)...
Imagine if an evil genie took some of your very best memories and hid them in a wine bottle. That's what so many of us do to ourselves. These dear bottles have a special way of retrieving warm and often-forgotten memories, but you have to pop the cork to release them. That's why we invented Open That Bottle Night. So very many of us have that special bottle -- from a departed loved one, from a visit to a winery, from a vacation -- that we're always going to open for just the right moment, but, of course, that moment never comes. So the wine sits and sits and sits and becomes more and more precious, so it sits and sits some more.
So, on OTBN you are supposed to open up that special bottle of wine! And, preferably, you're supposed to open it up with a bunch of friends, so that you can tell stories about why that bottle of wine is so special and you can yack and gab on and and on and on (which, as we all know, people tend to do!).

So, why the heck am I writing about OTBN when I don't even drink wine? Well, here's the cool thing... this year, OTBN is on the very same day that CCI is holding a graduation ceremony and I head off to college!!! So, if there is ever a good time to celebrate OTBN... it's on February 23! I encourage you all to get together with friends, open that special bottle that's been gathering dust, give a celebratory toast to the special people and dogs graduating that day... and, most importantly, talk about ME! :-)

P.S. You can read more about OTBN in this article, An Evening to Uncork Memories.

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